Dining Services - Our Food
Sustainable Beverages
In 2012, Pomona College established a Fair Trade Resolution and became a Fair Trade University. 餐饮服务使用的所有咖啡都经过有机公平贸易认证. 这确保了这些产品是在不使用有害化学物质的情况下生产的,也确保了种植这些饮料的人得到体面的报酬和公平的待遇.
- Coffee is provided by Peets Coffee. They offer coffee from verified sources, provide training and assistance to coffee farmers, and source coffees that carry USDA Organic, Fair Trade, and Rainforest Alliance certifications.
- Fresh-brewed Yerba Mate by Guayaki is offered at all three dining halls. Guayaki与小农和土著社区合作,从南美洲的亚热带森林中采购马尾,从长远来看,这对环境是可持续的.
有关公平贸易和有机食品的更多信息,请参阅 Certifications section.
Local and Organic Produce
我们很幸运,在南加州,我们一年四季都能买到新鲜的当地农产品. 我们关注应季产品,并尽可能从当地有机农民那里购买. 购买当地的有机产品意味着我们得到了最新鲜、最健康的产品. 我们为与许多当地农民的关系感到自豪,食堂里经常有农民.
For more information on the local farms we work with, please see Local Farms and Businesses section below.
Meat, Dairy and Eggs
- We purchase only cage-free eggs in all of our operations. 购买无笼确保鸡不局限于电池笼,并能够四处走动,从事自然行为. We buy our eggs from Chino Valley Ranchers in Colton, CA, a three-generation family farm. 通过只购买非笼养鸡蛋,皇冠体育每年养出1500只鸡.
- We are committed to offering Certified Humane meat. Currently, 烤架站的鸡胸肉和汉堡肉饼来自家庭经营的负责任的农场, which allow the animals to roam, 让他们吃素食,不要使用激素或抗生素.
- We purchase chicken breasts from Mary's Free-Range Chicken这是一家位于加州圣华金河谷的家庭农场.
- The rest of our chicken comes from ABF Farms that is animal welfare certified, third party audited, certified humanely raised, handled, and processed. ABF农场从签约农场合作伙伴处获取、加工和分销家禽.
- 汉堡肉饼来自俄勒冈州的富尔顿汉堡店,并获得了人道主义认证.
- 所有的牛奶都不含rBST,这意味着奶牛从未被注射牛生长激素来刺激产量.
- We are able to purchase organic yogurt, which ensures that cows are fed an entirely organic diet, 有机会去牧场,从不给抗生素或激素.
Sustainable Seafood Program
In summer 2011, 皇冠体育学院餐饮服务成为第一所获得海洋管理委员会(MSC)认证的文理学院. MSC的“监管链”认证确保了从渔民到供应链的每一步, to the processor, 对于经销商和最终用户,msc认证的海产品不会与未经认证的海产品混合或替代. Even thought we did not renew our MSC-certification in 2016, 皇冠体育仍然致力于在食堂使用msc认证的海鲜产品. The MSC standard is based on three core principles: health of the stock; impact on the marine ecosystem; and management of the fishery.
我们目前使用的海产品是MSC(海洋管理委员会-可持续海产品认证), BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices), Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program, or IRF (Iceland Responsible Fisheries). (点击每一项以获取更多来源渔场的信息):
For more information on our local tuna harvester, please see the Local Farms and Businesses section below.
Organic Staples
在皇冠体育的食堂里,我们每天使用的许多物品现在都经过了有机认证. These include:
- 一些谷物,包括藜麦、小扁豆、青豆、玉米粥、粗麦粉和小麦
- White, red and black beans
- Most soy products, including soy milk, tofu, and soy sauce
- Some produce
- Yogurt
- All coffee and tea
- Soup bases
- Almond milk
For more information on what organic means, please see the Certifications section.
Featured Local Farms and Businesses
We are proud to support many local farms and business. 购买本地产品意味着我们得到的是附近社区成员种植或生产的更新鲜的产品. 我们的食物不会运输到很远的地方(这减少了对环境的影响),我们的钱也投资在了当地社区. As defined by SAVE: Sustainable Action Visible Effects, the College’s sustainability strategic plan, 我们认为在校园200英里内种植或生产的是本地的.
我们选用了几种经过MSC(海洋管理委员会-可持续海鲜认证)认证的海鲜。, BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices), Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program, or IRF (Iceland Responsible Fisheries). High Liner is our current supplier of seafood through Sysco. 目前,他们99%的海鲜供应来自经认证的可持续或负责任的来源. 他们继续与致力于可持续发展的组织合作,以确保他们购买的海鲜100%来自可持续或负责任的来源.
我们从帕萨迪纳烘焙公司等当地面包店购买一些面包, located in Pasadena and LeChef Bakery, located in Montebello.
从克莱尔蒙特自己的42街百吉饼新鲜百吉饼是由我们的餐饮部门使用. 这家店位于克莱蒙特的中心,是家族所有的.
FreshPoint 我们的农产品供应商是否与农产品猎人合作. The Produce Hunter works with small, local, family farmers committed to sustainable agriculture, responsible production, 并繁殖和推广具有特殊风味的水果和蔬菜.
Nature's Produce is one of our suppliers of produce. 一家专注于支持当地种植者的家族企业. 我们还利用他们每周的农贸市场从各个当地农场购买农产品. Listed below are just a few of the farms.
See Canyon Ranch 在圣路易斯奥比斯波(距离校园214英里)外的一个小海岸峡谷里种植着美味的苹果。. The climate is perfectly suited to apple farming, 因此,在建立果园后,迈克不使用任何水的农场, known as dry farming. Mike doesn't use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Tutti Frutti Farms 位于Lompoc(距离校园179英里),并获得有机认证. 我们买他们家的胡萝卜(包括令人敬畏的黑骑士紫色品种)!), tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini.
We're big fans of Weiser Family Farms! They grow delicious potatoes, melons, DiCicco broccoli, Romanesco cauliflower and squash in the Bakersfield area, Tehachapi and Lucerne Valley.
Mcgrath Farms is located in Camarillo (85 miles from campus). 他们是一个可持续发展的农场,种植了多种全年有机水果和蔬菜.