


兰金 & 同事咨询, which is serving as the outside consultant for 皇冠体育大学 climate survey, 将校园环境定义为, 当前的态度, 行为, standards and practices of employees and students of an institution.” The climate is often shaped through personal experiences, perceptions and institutional efforts.


研究由苏·兰金进行, 他是宾夕法尼亚州立大学高等教育研究中心的高级研究员,也是宾夕法尼亚州立大学学生事务项目的教育荣誉教授, 认为积极的个人校园气候体验和积极的校园气候感知通常等同于成功的结果. 例如,成功的结果包括积极的教育经历和学生健康的身份发展, productivity and sense of value for faculty and staff and overall well-being for all.




The Climate Survey Working Group (CSWG) is made up of students, faculty and staff. The CSWG represents a cross-section of the campus. 学生成员在2019年夏天申请,并由总统多样性咨询委员会(PACD)的成员和皇冠体育学院学生联合会(ASPC)主席选出. 

委员会与兰金合作 & 同事咨询 to help carry out the project. 委员会与兰金协商 & 合伙人——负责开发, implementation and interpretation of the survey and its results. The CSWG will regularly update our community about its progress.

The consultant directly working with us on this project is Sue 兰金, 他是宾夕法尼亚州立大学教育政策研究和大学生事务的名誉教授,也是高等教育研究中心的高级研究员. 她在机构气候评估和基于数据驱动的行动和战略规划的机构气候转型方面拥有丰富的经验.

兰金在全国200多家机构进行了多地点的机构气候研究. She developed and utilizes the Transformational Tapestry model, 一个“全面, 五阶段战略评估模型, 计划和干预.“该模型旨在帮助校园社区对其制度环境进行包容性评估,以更好地了解各自社区面临的挑战.”兰金( & 原因,2008.)

Why was a non-皇冠体育大学 researcher selected for the project?

In reviewing efforts by other universities to conduct comprehensive climate studies, 确定了几个最佳实践. One was the need for external expertise in survey administration. 如果由独立机构领导,与校园气候等非常敏感的主题相关的调查管理可能会产生更高的回复率,并提供更可信的调查结果, 外部机构. 大学社区的成员可能会因为害怕报复而感到特别不愿意诚实地回答自己所在机构进行的调查.


这一倡议包括五个主要阶段. The first involves planning and focus groups  (fall 2019), 调查发展(2019年秋季), survey implementation that will seek input from all students, faculty and staff at 皇冠体育大学 (spring 2020), reporting of results (fall 2020) and developing action steps (fall 2020).

What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) process for this study?

The primary investigator from 皇冠体育大学 for the IRB过程 is Jennifer Rachford, director of Office of Institutional Research at 皇冠体育大学. 为该项目提交了IRB申请. Once the project was approved, the survey was administered.


委员会预计,这一过程的结果将导致改善气候的行动,这些行动可以迅速发生, as well as those that will need to be addressed through longer-term planning. 项目的最后阶段, 2020年秋季, will be to develop action steps in consultation with 兰金 & 的同事.


The target participation in the survey is all students, faculty and staff at 皇冠体育大学. Every response matters and is valuable in providing the most beneficial feedback and results.


Confidentiality is vital to the success of campus climate research; particularly as sensitive and personal topics are discussed. 虽然调查不能保证完全保密,因为多重人口问题的性质, 顾问会采取多项预防措施,加强个人资料的保密和资料的非身分化. No data already protected through regulation or policy (e.g., 社会安全号码, 校园识别码, medical information) is obtained through the survey. In the event of any publication or presentation resulting from the assessment, no personally identifiable information will be shared.

Confidentiality in participating will be maintained to the highest degree permitted by the technology used (e.g., IP addresses will be stripped when the survey is submitted). No guarantees can be made regarding the interception of data sent via the Internet by any third parties; however, 避免数据被截取, the survey is run on a firewalled web server with forced 256-bit SSL security. 除了, the consultant and college will not report any group data for groups of fewer than five individuals, because those “small cell sizes” may be small enough to compromise confidentiality. 而不是, 顾问和学院将联合这些小组或采取其他措施,以消除任何可能被识别的人口统计信息. 另外, 针对调查提交的任何意见在提交给顾问时将被分开,因此它们不会归因于任何个人人口特征. 在定性评论中提交的可识别信息将被编辑,学院将只收到这些编辑过的评论.

Participation in the survey is completely voluntary, 参与者不必回答任何问题,也可以跳过任何他们认为不舒服的问题. Paper and pencil surveys are also available and will be sent directly to the consultant.

调查导言部分的信息将描述保证保密的方式, 与与会者的进一步沟通将提供更多关于保密性质的信息, possible threats to confidentiality and procedures developed to ensure de-identification of data.

What will be included in the final summary reports?

The consultant will provide a final report that will include: an executive summary; a report narrative of the findings based on cross tabulations selected by the consultant; frequencies, 百分比, means and standard deviations of quantitative data; and content analysis of the textual data. The reports provide high-level summaries of the findings and will identify themes found in the data. 对人群的概括仅限于那些反应率至少为30%的群体或亚群体. The committee will review draft reports and provide feedback to the consultant prior to public release.

What protections are in place for storage of sensitive data, including for future secondary use?

皇冠体育大学 will work with the consultant to develop a research data security description and protocol, which includes specific information on data encryption, the handling of personally identifiable information, physical security and a protocol for handling unlikely breaches of data security. The data from online participants will be submitted to a secure server hosted by the consultant. 

The consultant has conducted more than 200 institutional surveys and maintains an aggregate merged database. 来自皇冠体育学院项目的数据将与顾问的安全服务器上无限期存储的所有其他现有气候数据合并. No institutional identifiers are included in the full merged data set held by the consultant. The raw unit-level data with institutional identifiers is kept on the server for six months and then destroyed. 纸和铅笔的调查直接还给顾问,并保存在上锁的办公室的一个上锁的抽屉里. The consultant destroys the paper and pencil responses after they are merged with the online data. 顾问将通知委员会主席任何违反或怀疑违反顾问服务器数据安全的行为.

兰金 & 助理将收集和准备不含任何标识符的原始数据文件,并在项目结束时向主要研究者提供数据文件. 管理访问和使用数据文件的具体协议将由皇冠体育学院建立和同意.

Why is this a population survey and not a sample survey?

The survey was administered to all students, staff and faculty at 皇冠体育大学. 气候存在于小气候中, 因此,创造机会最大限度地扩大参与,以及最大限度地扩大接触少数民族人口的机会是很重要的. 沿着这条线, 顾问建议不要使用随机抽样,因为我们可能会“错过”数量非常少的特定人群.g.(美国原住民学生). Since one goal of the project is inclusiveness and allowing invisible “voices” to be heard, 不使用这种抽样技术. 除了, randomized stratified sampling is not used because we do not have population data on most identities. 例如, 皇冠体育大学 collects population data on gender and race/ethnicity, but not on disability status or sexual orientation. 一个样本方法可能会错过很多群体.