克莱蒙特学院 Policy Regarding Appropriate Use of Campus Computing and 网络资源
克莱蒙特学院的总体指导任务是在一个鼓励和保护思想自由交流的环境中进行教育. 克莱蒙特学院提供计算机和网络设施(CNF)资源供学院学生使用, 教职员工. These services are provided for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the Colleges.
The Colleges and members of the college communities are expected to observe Federal, State and local laws that govern computer and telecommunications use, 以及学院的规章制度和政策.
计算机和网络设施资源的使用者必须按照学院的行为标准使用这些资源. Individuals with expert knowledge of information systems or who make extensive use of these facilities, or with a position of trust regarding these facilities will be held accountable to a higher standard.
负责任的, 体贴的, and ethical behavior expected by the Colleges extends to use of computing and network facilities resources, and networks throughout the world to which electronic access has been provided. 这些CNF资源包括但不限于:
- 计算机及相关外围设备;
- 校园视频线;
- 课堂演示系统;
- 语音信息设备;
- Data networking equipment systems, including remote and wireless access;
- 计算机软件;
- 以电子方式储存的机构数据和讯息;
- All other similar resources owned, controlled, and/or operated by the Colleges; and
- 维护这些资源的服务.
The Colleges retain absolute ownership rights of the CNF resources. 这些资源不属于任何部门或个人所有. CNF资源租赁, 许可, 或根据研究合同或赠款购买, 在学院的合法拥有或控制下,在本政策的条款下进行管理. CNF resources provided to on-campus residences are also owned, operated and provided by the Colleges.
访问CNF资源是一种特权, which is allowed only to the Colleges\”™ authorized personnel and students. All users must understand and abide by the responsibilities that come with the privilege of use. Such responsibilities include, 但不限于, the following:
- You must understand and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
- 你不能故意寻找有关的信息, 浏览, 复制, 或者修改属于他人的非公开文件, 无论是在克莱蒙特学院还是其他地方.
- 您仅被授权使用您合法获得访问权限的计算机资源和信息. 与他人共享密码是明令禁止的. 任何未经授权进入任何计算机系统的企图, 资源或信息是明确禁止的. 如果您遇到或观察到系统或网络安全方面的漏洞, 立即向该系统的经理报告差距.
- 每个学院的骚扰政策同样适用于电子显示器和通信,也适用于更传统的电子设备.g.(口头和书面)展示和交流的手段.
- 消息, 情绪, 以电子邮件或张贴形式发送的声明,在分发或展示方面必须符合与大学财产上的实体(纸质)文件相同的标准.
- Unsolicited mailings and unauthorized mass mailings from campus networks or computing resources (i.e.(“垃圾邮件”)是被禁止的. Each campus may have specific policies regarding the use of existing group mailing lists (e.g.(全体学生或全体教员). 联系 your campus IT organization for details regarding these policies.
- 欺骗, 或试图欺骗或伪造电子邮件, 网络或其他信息用于识别来源, 目的地或关于通信的其他信息, 禁止提供数据或信息.
- 您不得以任何方式降低计算或网络性能,从而妨碍他人实现其教育或大学业务目标.
- You must conform to laws and Colleges policies regarding protection of intellectual property, 包括有关版权的法律和政策, 专利, 和商标. 当电子通信的内容和传播将超出1976年联邦版权法规定的合理使用时, 校园计算机或网络资源的用户应获得适当的许可,以任何形式分发受保护的材料, 包括文本, 照片, audio, video, 图形插图, 和计算机软件.
- 您不得使用校园计算或网络资源或通过校园网络设施访问的个人计算资源进行收集, 储存或分发信息或材料, 或者参与违反联邦法律的活动, 州或地方法律.
- 您不得使用校园计算或网络资源或通过校园网络设施访问的个人计算资源进行收集, 储存或分发信息或材料 in violation of other Colleges policies or guidelines. 这些包括, 但不限于, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property and sexual or other forms of harassment.
- 不得制造或故意传播电脑病毒. You must employ appropriate virus protection methods to avoid damaging CNF resources.
- 使用CNF资源做广告, 销售, and soliciting is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Colleges, and use of CNF resources for commercial purposes or for personal financial gain is prohibited. 教师, 学生或员工如果对某一特定用途的合法性有疑问,应该与他们所在校园的it人员进行讨论.
- 向非大学人员披露个人可识别的非目录信息受1974年《皇冠体育》(FERPA)的保护。. 未经许可或向未经授权的人披露学院拥有的财务或人事记录是不允许的,并可能根据加州刑法第502条被起诉.
- 故意或未经授权滥用或披露学院拥有的信息也将构成纪律处分的正当理由, 包括开除学籍和/或终止雇佣关系,无论是否受到刑事或民事处罚. It is also expected that any user will report suspected abuses of CNF resources. 如果不这样做,个人可能会失去进入CNF的机会和/或受到上述纪律处分.
克莱蒙特学院各自的信息技术组织可以立即暂停对个人或计算机的服务,发现其显著降低了网络或其他计算机系统的可用性. Inappropriate use will be referred to the appropriate College authority to take action, which may result in dismissal from school and/or termination of employment.
被委托或无意中发现登录名和密码的个人应负责任地保护它们. 这些密码不能与他人共享. The same policy applies to door codes for restricted-access rooms/areas. Those who need logins or door codes can make a formal request to the administrator of those codes/passwords.
请注意: The provisions of this Policy apply to the institutions comprising 克莱蒙特学院, 包括克莱蒙特学院服务.
你的文件, 存储在学院拥有的联网计算机或服务器上的文件和电子邮件通常只有您才能访问. 然而, any file or document placed on a College-owned computer or network is subject to access pursuant to this Policy, 因此, 不应该被视为私人或机密吗. CINE (克莱蒙特 Intercollegiate Network Effort)和各个校园IT组织的系统经理都有能力监控流量,并在网络上移动时直接查看任何文件, and they must occasionally do so to manage campus network resources. 简而言之, 在日常业务过程中,为保证网络的正常运行,可以在不通知的情况下对文件进行监控. 所有从事信息技术工作的工作人员都有明确的准则,禁止侵犯隐私和保密, 在他们正常的工作过程中, 它们不查看用户文件或电子邮件的内容. 然而, 你应该知道,授权的学院人员将采取适当的步骤调查,当有怀疑不当使用校园计算机或网络资源. 这可能包括监视网络流量, 它的内容, and examining files on any computer system connected to the network.
您还应该知道共享(i.e., 网络)系统, 包括电子邮件服务器, are backed up periodically on schedules determined by each College. Backup tapes are preserved for lengths of time also determined by individual College operating procedures. These tapes can be used to restore files that you have deleted accidentally. 这意味着磁带上的文件也可以被其他有理由和权限的人获取.
校园网故障排除, 以及对增强的规划, 需要收集网络流量的详细数据. CINE定期运行监控软件,记录和报告通过校园网传输的数据. 这些报告包括源地址和目的地址, 文件的其他特点, including the URLs of the World Wide Web sites that are contacted. This data is accessed and used only by authorized IT staff members responsible for network performance, 运作及计划. 您还应该知道,当您访问它们的网站时,互联网上的许多Web主机会收集并记录有关您和您的身份的信息. 这些信息可能包括, 但不限于, 有关您正在使用的计算机的信息, 它的地址, 还有你的电子邮件地址.
Many educational and business activities at the Colleges require network access to resources on the Internet. To ensure adequate bandwidth to these sites for the Colleges’ primary educational and business purposes, 学校和校园的IT人员可能会限制特定站点的流量和特定类型的流量.
有时,这些网络监控活动可能允许系统管理人员识别其活动降低校园网或网络段性能的个人, or which appear to violate the general guidelines for appropriate use of campus computing and network resources. 在这种情况下, a CINE staff member or a member of your own College’s IT staff may ask you to cease these activities. 如果你继续这样做, 或者是否包括非法活动, 可能会通知适当的学院当局. 在极端情况下, network privileges may be revoked on an interim basis pending resolution of the issue. The individual campuses determine specific corrective or disciplinary actions.
- 如果你拥有合法获得的音像作品的DVD, you can show the entire audiovisual work to your class in a classroom.
- 如果你拥有合法获得的音像作品的DVD, 您可以播放音像作品的短片(例如.g., just short enough to support the pedagogy) to your class via Zoom. 不应该记录Zoom会话.
- If you have a lawfully acquired digitized version of an audiovisual work, 您可以创建短剪辑的视听作品(e.g., just short enough to support the pedagogy) for uploading to Kaltura to show to students during the class period.
- You can see if the audiovisual work is available on one of the The 克莱蒙特学院图书馆视频流媒体服务.
- 你可以让克莱蒙特学院图书馆为你获取视听作品,并通过他们提供.
- 您可以请求克莱蒙特学院图书馆帮助您向音像作品的版权所有者查询流媒体许可.
- For additional information regarding 复制right and the sharing of media, refer to 克莱蒙特学院图书馆的资源 在版权.