Draper Center Programs

德雷珀社区合作中心通过学生协调的项目提供了各种各样的参与机会. 以下每一项都提供了一个互利的机会,让你融入周围的世界. For more information, or to get involved, contact the program coordinators or stop by the Draper Center office.


Alternabreak is a week-long community engagement trip during Spring Break. Students commit their break to volunteering with organizations in the larger community, addressing social issues such as environmental justice, homelessness, and hunger. Coordinators lead 3 trips each spring, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland (in partnership with the Office of Black Student Affairs). You can sign up to participate on a trip during the fall.

Community Based Research & Learning (CBRL)

德雷珀中心与皇冠体育学院的教师合作,设计和开发社区伙伴关系(CP)课程,以促进基于社区的研究和学习(CBRL)。. CP课程是全学分的课程,结合了以实践为基础的学习学术主题的方法, 并与社区组织合作,在学生和社区之间建立参与倡议. CBRL组织和促进活动,鼓励教师和学生参与社区和他们的历史, host information sessions for students interested in taking CP courses, and develop resources for faculty potentially interested in teaching a CP course.​

English as a Second Language + (ESL+)

Isaac Warshaw '24, Sara Garza Gonzalez '24

Email: pomonaesltutors@gmail.com

英语作为第二语言+ (ESL+)辅导计划为皇冠体育学院的员工提供了提高英语口语的机会, writing, reading, computer literacy skills though one-on-one meetings with students. 感兴趣的员工报名,并与一名或多名5C学生配对,后者负责制定每周的课程计划. 这个项目是一个很好的机会,让员工和学生建立有价值的关系,互相学习.

Health Bridges

Coordinators: Melissa Seecharan '24, Dylan Blackett '24, Emily Dong '25

Email: healthbridgesclaremont@gmail.com


Hunger and Houselessness Initiatives/Food Recovery Network

Coordinators: Stefanie Howard '26, Ireland Griffin '26, Gina Yum '25 (Fall), 

Email: drapercenter@bonaprinting.com

食物回收网络与皇冠体育学院食堂合作,将剩余的食物分发给我们的社区合作伙伴,他们与无家可归的社区合作. 志愿者们每天协调上下车,以确保没有食物浪费,并确保无家可归的社区能够获得新鲜食物.

Latine-Identity Empowerment, Advice, and Friendship (LEAF)

Coordinators: Nancy Hernandez '25, Alexa Tapia '26

Email: uncommongoodatdraper@gmail.com

The LEAF Program, in partnership with Uncommon Good, is an identity-based, 非学术指导计划,将来自5c的在校大学生与来自内陆帝国的4-12年级的年轻人配对. 这个项目为拉丁裔人士创造了一个安全的空间来探索友谊和建议的主题. 

Music Mentors Program

Coordinators: Rachel Corbett SC '24, Syndey Godwyn '26

Email: musicmentorsofpv@gmail.com

音乐导师是一个由学生领导的组织,它与Uncommon Good合作,将5C学生与周围服务不足社区的年轻人联系起来,提供免费的音乐课程. 

Leadership and Engagement in Gender and Sexuality (LEGS)

Coordinators: Miriam Clement y Caridad '26, Noon El Mosalami '24 (Fall), Katherine Rivas '25 (Fall), Paul Yan '26, 

Email: claremontlegs@gmail.com

性别与性取向的领导与参与(LEGS)是与克莱蒙特学院酷儿资源中心的合作,每周将当地LGBTQA高中生和克莱蒙特学院的学生聚集在一起. 大学生和高中生在建立可持续的社区纽带和探索自己和他人身份的各个方面的同时,都在培养领导能力和促进能力. 

Learning IN Collaboration (LINC)

Coordinators: Cecilia Ransburg '25, Aisulu Malik '25, Katie Stuart '25

Email: learningincollaboration@gmail.com

LINC partners Pomona College tutors with local under-resourced schools. 志愿者将在上学期间和放学后与小学生一对一地工作,帮助学生培养识字技能,提高他们在学校的整体表现. The program hopes to both engage students in reading and to make learning more inclusive for families.

Next Level

Coordinators: Veronica Banuelos '24, Brandon Karagozian '24, Tati Jaimes '26

Email: nextlevelprogram@gmail.com

Next Level是一个课后项目,旨在培养一群学生,让他们能够清楚地说出实现教育和个人目标的下一步是什么, as well as their hopes for the entire group. Through college visitation field trips, standardized test preparation, mentor relationships, and teambuilding activities, students work together to form long term visions and short term goals based on their values., strengths, and experience. It also seeks to include families in a long-term plan for the future. 

Pomona College Academy for Youth Success (PAYS)

Coordinators: Ximena Alba '24, Brisa Salazar '24, Alayna Nonhomme '24, Giovanni Tovar '24, Cecilia Ransburg '25, Adriana Vazquez '25, Leo Torres '26

Email: pays@bonaprinting.com

皇冠体育学院青年成功学院(PAYS)为期一年的项目致力于支持高中生为高等教育学习做准备,并灌输一种大学成就的文化. During the summer, PAYS participants engage in a rigorous, 四周的文科课程旨在推动学生的学术界限,并促进学生和大学导师之间的社区. 大学生可以自愿成为大学顾问或导师,同时寻找暑期工作作为住宿助理, Teaching Assistant, Writing Tutor or Math Tutor. To get involved, or to find out more, send an email to the coordinator team or drop by the Draper Center.

Pomona Mountain Project

Email: pmp.pomona@gmail.com

皇冠体育山项目是皇冠体育高中学生的一个非学术导师计划,重点是通过户外沉浸式旅行促进心理健康和自我保健. 德雷珀中心的学生协调员和志愿者缩减了包括每周徒步旅行和讲习班在内的课程,以满足学生的兴趣和需求. To get involved, send an email to the coordinator team or drop by the Draper Center.

Pomona Partners

Coordinators: Lauren Cassou '23 (Fall), Lawrence Stampino-Strain '26, Leo Torres '26, Rachel Ma '26

Email: pomonapartners@gmail.com

Pomona Partners是弗里蒙特学院学生专注于自我实现的非学术导师项目, empowerment, and social awareness. With coordination through the Draper Center for Community Partnerships, 志愿者设计并实施一个课程,包括每周访问弗里蒙特以及每学期两次校外实地考察. Pomona Partners希望培养导师关系,并培养一个在高中和大学未来取得成功的同龄人群体. To get involved, or to find out more, send an email to the coordinator team or drop by the Draper Center.

Rooftop Garden Project

Coordinators: Lena Abed '25, Daniella Hernandez '25, Diana Castellanos '24, Joanna Lam '27

Email: rooftopgarden47@gmail.com

The Rooftop Garden Project is a collaboration between Pomona College and Teen Green, a part of Uncommon Good. The program aims to increase activism and awareness around environmental justice, sustainability, and gardening; build leadership and presentation skills; and develop positive mentoring relationships between Pomona and Teen Green students. 环境保护人员和学员一起开展短期研讨会,并与项目的其他成员合作,在桑塔格宿舍楼的顶层培育一个花园. We meet biweekly on Thursdays from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. 


Coordinators: Precious Omomofe '24, Nadiya Muhammed '25 (Fall), Edidya Solomon '26, Werlie Cius '26

Email: pomona.sista2sista@gmail.com

Sista-2-Sista plans to encourage unconditional sisterhood, growth, and self-reliance. Through mentorship, workshops, and discussions, 这个项目旨在提高学生对黑人女性在美国社会中的意义的理解, and how to see this as a blessing, rather than a deficit.