
Vidusshi Hingad, 25岁

My decision to major in psychology at 皇冠体育大学 was more than an academic choice; it was a path to self-discovery that began with a high school International Baccalaureate (IB) course. 带着开放的心态来到皇冠体育, 我选取了不同的主题, but it was psychology that truly resonated with me. Its appeal lay in the blend of two passions: a genuine interest in underst和ing human behavior 和 a love for the precision of research methods.

心理学, 浩瀚无垠, ranging from forensic psychology to child development, has been a catalyst for my personal growth. It constantly pushes me to question 和 reassess my assumptions (or heuristics), shaping a more nuanced underst和ing of the world. The faculty in the department have been instrumental in this journey. Their support 和 guidance extend beyond academics, fostering a community where I felt valued 和 encouraged.

This journey through psychology led me to embrace the concept of 'ikigai'–finding joy 和 fulfillment in what I do. 心理学 is more than just my major; it’s the prism through which I view life. It has intertwined my academic pursuits with a deeper, more personal exploration of my place in the world.

On seldom occasions does one enter a classroom 和 has their life changed. 心理学帮我做到了. It's not just a discipline I've studied; it's a lens that has refined 如何 I interact with knowledge. As I step into a world increasingly in need of human underst和ing, 同理心, 和 the ability to interpret 和 predict human outcomes, my education in psychology at 皇冠体育大学 has uniquely equipped me. It has instilled in me a blend of data analysis 和 critical thinking skills, honed my ability to empathize 和 underst和 diverse perspectives, 和 provided me with the tools to anticipate 和 analyze human behavior. This comprehensive skill set prepares me to engage with the world in a way that is insightful, 通知, 和 deeply attuned to the complexities of human nature.

萨拉·加尔萨·冈萨雷斯, 25岁

I thought I was set as an international relations major my first semester at 皇冠体育, having loved the idea of intersectional politics as the vessel for social change my whole life. I quickly realized that what I loved about politics was underst和ing the 为什么 人们行为的背后, 是什么驱使人们做出决定, 因此, underst和ing the general idea of people having personalities. I had also always loved listening 和 talking to as many people as I could, 和 ever since discovering my passion for psychological science, 它只会越来越大.

After getting to know the professors 和 the major through 皇冠体育’s website during the winter break of my first year, I sent an email to Professor [Sara] Masl和 wondering if we could schedule a Zoom meeting to talk more about what majoring in psychological science means at 皇冠体育. 在接下来的几天里, 我们在极速会议上见过面, 她雇我到她的实验室工作, 和 I knew I had met the people I wanted to surround myself with for the next three 和 a half years I had left at this school. The people at 皇冠体育’s 心理科学系 和 their openness 和 curiosity for others are 为什么 I chose this major.

作为一个国际学生, I found it difficult at times to find a sense of community 和 belonging during my first semester, but the warmth of the 心理科学系 和 S和y’s smiles 和 snacks (our incredible Academic Coordinator) helped me build a new home away from my first home. 在许多有见地的实验室会议之后, 在林肯大厅学习到深夜, 各种社区工作, 以及改变人生的友谊, I am very grateful to be part of this department 和 this discipline.

I now know 和 value 如何 psychological science is another vessel with which we can bring about social change.


I majored in psychological science because of a social psychology class I took in high school. 我喜欢理解这个概念 为什么 如何 人们有自己的行为方式, especially as a means of underst和ing people who come from distinct backgrounds 和 coming to common solutions.

As I have taken various courses in the department, including 心理学 of Health 和 Medicine, 儿童发展, 社会心理学, 和 Human Development of the African Diaspora, I have become interested in developmental psychology 和 promoting optimal health outcomes through a holistic perspective of well-being. 作为一个墨西哥裔美国人, I am especially interested in 如何 psychological research can be utilized to reduce health disparities. Moving forward, I plan to pursue research, which the department has prepared me well for. My coursework in research methods 和 statistics, 还有我的毕业论文, have allowed me to explore the potential of research 和 underst和 its process, which has set me up for success as a research assistant at Hennepin Healthcare 研究 Institute, 伯杰研究所的抗细菌抗药性实验室, 以及皇冠体育的dsc商店.

What especially st和s out about the department is its supportive professors 和 faculty, who have guided me throughout my undergraduate experience with sincere warmth 和 kindness.