Janice Hudgings教授,系主任
访问助理教授Bahreyni, Mashian
物理学是研究物质和能量最基本性质的学科, 强调对自然的定量描述. 像这样, 它与数学有着密切的联系和应用, 其他物理科学, 尤其是化学和地质学,以及越来越多的生命和医学科学. 天文学, 宇宙学研究大尺度宇宙的形成和演化, extends the 法律s of physics to the largest scales of both space 和 time 和 allows students to apply their knowledge of physics to the formation 和 structure of stars, 星系和早期宇宙本身. Both physics 和 天文学 have also been important in Western intellectual history 和 the development of fields outside the sciences such as philosophy, 宗教, 历史与政治. Majoring in physics or 天文学 also develops capabilities valuable in many “real life” situations: problem-solving skills, 定量建模和分析技能, 专业的阅读和写作能力, 实验设计能力和口头表达能力.
该专业的一个重要方面是必须完成毕业论文. 强烈鼓励各专业学生自主选择研究项目, 通常与教员的研究项目相结合, 这可能是实验性的, 计算的还是理论的. Recent thesis topics involving independent research have included organic solar cells, 碳纳米管和石墨烯片, 光镊, 微波光谱, 计算广义相对论, 计算和实验流体动力学, 非线性动力学与混沌, “bose - einstein”冷凝物, 环境科学, 声学与物理教育研究. 天文学研究项目包括监测活动星系核, 类星体吸收谱线光谱, 望远镜仪器设计, 自适应光学, 分析光学, analyzing Spitzer 和 Hubble Space Telescope data 和 acquiring images of galaxies in infrared 和 optical wavelengths. 学生 may also carry out independent work earlier than the senior year as a summer research assistant or under Physics or 天文学 199.
The 皇冠体育大学 物理专业 prepares students for careers in a wide variety of fields. 具有良好物理基础的人可以在工程的各个领域工作, 在物理学的基础和应用研究方面, 材料科学, 天文学, 光学, 化学物理, 地球物理学和生物物理学. 我们的课程也为学生在教育领域的职业生涯做准备, 医学, 法律, 金融, 咨询, 小型初创企业, 艺术和许多其他领域. 在许多情况下,我们的校友将他们的技术技能与艺术激情结合起来. 美国国家航空航天局和其他研究机构有许多天文学家的职业, as well as in industrial settings where computer skills 和 image processing are important. A strong technical background is becoming increasingly useful in the fields of public policy, 城市规划和环境研究. 对这些领域感兴趣的学生不妨研究一下科学方面的课程, 科技与社会, 公共政策分析和环境分析(见清单), 专注于物理.
The 皇冠体育大学 物理学与天文学 Department features some of the most advanced research-grade equipment in physics 和 天文学 for any undergraduate college. 主要的物理设备包括电子散射设备, 低温学, 高温超导, 光学和扫描探针显微镜, 光刻, 椭圆光度法, 光谱反射率, 场发射扫描电子显微镜, 电子束光刻, 能量色散x射线分析, 原子与分子光谱学, 高速视频分析, 拉曼光谱, 非线性光学, 全息术, 热成像, 激光镊子, 产生玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的全光学系统, a thin-film evaporator 和 a chemical vapor deposition system for growing graphene 和 carbon nanotubes.
The 天文学 facilities include a research-grade one-meter telescope in the San Gabriel Mountains equipped with optical 和 infrared-wavelength CCD cameras, as well as an on-campus observatory equipped with two computer-controlled 14-inch telescopes 和 a variety of portable 和 solar telescopes. An NSF-funded lab for 自适应光学 research enables students to help develop cutting-edge instrumentation for our telescopes. Access to additional scientific instrumentation is provided through collaborations with other departments, 比如化学和地质学, 并有助于加强跨学科的科学合作.
Research in both physics 和 天文学 is supported by substantial grants from both private 和 federal funding agencies. Endowments from the Seaver 和 Sontag families directly support research in 物理学与天文学 at 皇冠体育大学. The department also features professionally staffed machine 和 electronics shops to develop new instrumentation with state of the art facilities for machining plastics, 金属, 木, 定制电路板的设计和制造, 精密电子测量, 微控制器和3D设计和打印.
The Department of 物理学与天文学 offers multiple tracks to suit diverse student interests. The physics 和 astrophysics tracks provide rigorous training suitable for those students interested in graduate studies 和 research, 而天文学和地球, planetary 和 space science (EPSS) tracks train students more broadly in science for careers in teaching, 技术和空间科学. 在物理轨道上有指导,为工程事业做准备, 教学与医学. 在所有科目中,学生都得B.A. in physics upon graduation but can choose different groups of physics 和 天文学 courses to suit their interests.
The Department of 物理学与天文学 is also actively involved in the environmental analysis 和 public policy programs.
The Physics major is the most common major track pursued by 皇冠体育大学 students entering engineering programs including the 3-2 和 2-1-1-1 dual degree programs between 皇冠体育大学 和 加州理工学院, 华盛顿大学和达特茅斯学院. The degree requirements for all four tracks 和 for the two minor programs are described below.
12024年秋季休假 |
22025年春季休假 |
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介绍性的课程: 物理041波 , 物理学报042 , 物理学报070 , 物理071 Po , 物理学报072章 和 物理101 Po , (PHYS 89A, 89B 和 89C replaces 70, 71 和 72 for the students that took it 2020-2021)
核心课程: 物理125 Po , 物理142 Po , Phys 170 Po 和 物理175 Po
高年级选修课程: 物理150 Po 物理155 Po , Phys 160 Po , 物理176 Po , Phys 185 Po . 没有选择天文学专业或辅修专业的学生也可以计算在内 ast101埔 和任何一对半成品 ast121 Po , ast122 Po , ast123 Po , or ast125 Po 作为物理专业或辅修的选修课.
物理专业其他要求: 物理128 Po , 物理174 Po , 物理190 Po , 物理学报(英文版) or 物理学1911,波 , 物理学报193 Po
非专业课程: 物理学报[j] , 物理学报016 , 物理学报017 , ast001 Po , or ast002 Po .
物理入门序列: 所有对物理学可能性感兴趣的学生, 天体物理学或天文学专业或辅修都应该选修 物理学报070 在第一年,如果可能的话. 在本课程中, students will take a test that will assess the strength of their high-school preparation in mechanics 和 electricity 和 magnetism. 学生 who pass this test will have completed the “introductory sequence” by taking only 物理学报070 ; others may need to take the additional half courses of 物理071 Po 和/或 物理学报072章 (待定)加强他们在这些领域的背景. 把两个 物理041波 和 物理学报042 也满足入门序列要求.
出国留学并完成物理专业是可能的, 尽管仔细的计划是必要的, 最好是大三的秋天. The department recommends that students consider programs where it will be possible to take physics while abroad 和 that students avoid being away during their senior year if at all possible. The Department of 物理学与天文学 is also sometimes able to provide opportunities to do summer research overseas in both disciplines as another means of providing international experiences.
The department encourages physics majors to gain practical experience doing research in physics during the summer. 学生 have opportunities to do sponsored summer research both on campus working with physics faculty, 以及世界各地各种研究机构的研究人员. 天文学项目与卡内基天文台有着独特的合作关系, 总部设在帕萨迪纳, which places about four Claremont students in research jobs each summer 和 which makes use of the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. 学生们在布鲁克海文国家实验室做研究实习, 国家标准与技术研究所, 国家可再生能源实验室, 康奈尔大学, 哈佛大学, 加州理工学院, 喷气推进实验室, 史密森尼学会和许多其他杰出的研究机构. Typical programs are 10 weeks long 和 include a stipend as well as some assistance with summer housing. The College has a strong record placing students in these programs both in the sophomore 和 junior years. 在某些情况下,这些项目扩展到毕业论文练习.